The Navigational Plotting Simulator is intended for developing a stereotype of actions and mastering practical skills of manual graphic and graph-analytic reckoning and in making observations on the nautical chart.
Reckoning Options
- with the main method (gyro and log)
- with the backup method (gyro and speed from engine rpm)
- with the emergency method (magnetic compass and speed from the engine rpm)
Main Capabilities
The Navigational Plotting Simulator allows training to be conducted to suit different levels of trainee qualification, and the following tasks to be accomplished:
- Reckoning taking into account the drift and current
- Determining ship position from bearings and ranges
- Determining ship position from the radar references
- Determining ship position by horizontal angles (adjacent and non-adjacent pairs of reference points)
- Observations phase and pulse-phase radionavigational systems
- Determining ship position by Krjujs method
- Observations by using astronomical methods (2 position lines by the Sun, 2/3/4 position lines by stars, observations by the Moon and planets, complexing of position lines)
- Solution of problems involving route pre-calculations on the electronic chart with the subsequent sailing along the developed route in the online mode.
- Application in marine colleges, as wel as in specialised secondary schools for the “Seamanship” subject
- Support of the trainee performance log associated with recording in the system database
- User friendly interface which allows prompt mastering of simulator operation skills
- Support of network operation with functions of assigning tasks to the trainee workplaces, receiving and checking completed exercises, of saving exercises and accomplished tasks in the database
- Automatic assessment of completed exercises on the basis of information entered in the system by the trainee in the course of fulilling the exercise; capability to connect additional assessment and evaluation procedures
The Transas Navigational Plotting Simulator allows conducting a large number of practical classes, performing calculations and graphic works, organising tests and examinations in dif erent subjects: “Navigation and Sailing Directions”, “Mathematical Processing of Navigational Information”, “Safety of Navigation” as per the state standard of the higher professional education in the “Ship Handling” subject.
The Navigational Plotting Simulator is dedicated software to be installed on the user personal computer (network) and consists of the instructor workstation and trainee workplaces (up to 32).
Instructor Workstation
The instructor workplace enables automatic formation of a task to make navigational plotting on the basis of an electronic chart. The text task is formed as a sample navigational plotting is created. The sample plotting is calculated automatically and is displayed on the instructor workstation with appropriate notations, time tags, speed triangles and turning circle radiuses. The instructor can set the task complexity level, change ship types and design for each exercise and keep a training progress log.
Trainee Workplace
- Emulated navigational instruments showing the initial conditions for the task assigned by the instructor
- Electronic text task
- Chart table with a set of paper charts
Depending on the proi ciency level, available to the trainee are tabs with panels of the navigational radar station, radio navigation aids, visualisation to enable observation by visual cues and by astronomic methods.
Additional Capabilities
Connection of an additional option (the pre-simulator training module) enables training in the development of skills required for the solution, against time, of elementary navigational problems:
- Calculations of visibility range of conspicuous features at sea
- Calculations of compass directions by the gyro and its corrections
- Calculations of directions by the magnetic compass and its corrections
- Determining correction of the course indication system by using visual and astronomic methods
- Determining deviation of the magnetic compass, radio deviation and instantaneous correction of the course indication system
- Determining log corrections on the visual measured line
- Determining and compensating for radio deviation
- Determining target motion elements in the absolute motion, plotting of collision avoidance manoeuvre results on the nautical chart
- Search for the freely moving objects (e.g., fish shoals) by the diversified data from various sources of information
- Evasion of especially dangerous weather phenomena, etc