GMDSS Simulator (TGS)

The TGS-4100 GMDSS Simulator is designed for training and examining seafarers for a General Operator Certificate (GOC) or Restricted Operator Certificate (ROC). The simulator can also be used as a component for training and examining seafarers for a Second-Class Radio Electronic Certificate.

The TGS-4100 GMDSS Simulator includes one instructor workplace and up to 16 trainee workplaces operating under Windows 2000 or NT 4.0. A typical workplace consists of one standard PC. Each workplace can be supplemented with an additional PC used as a slave station (for telex terminals operations and/or control of all units). Up to two S.P.Radio handsets can be used at each workplace for radiotelephony. These handsets are connected to a Sound Blaster (located inside the PC) via a small connection box. Software and all data required for the simulator operation are stored on the file server.

The Simulator fully complies with IMO Resolution A.703(17) and the latest requirements of the STCW Convention, and ensures correct and efficient operation of all the GMDSS equipment subsystems in the scope specified in IMO “Model Course 1.25”.


Workplace with a consoleThe instructor workplace also has the option of on-line monitoring of any trainee workplace, the main instructor PC or an additional PC, can be used for this purpose.


The Transas GMDSS Simulators can be also integrated with Transas navigational bridge simulators.

TGS 4000 GMDSS Console with an alarm panel


Each trainee workplace can be supplemented with a TGS 4000 console including the real control panels of SAILOR System 4000 units VHF&DSC RT4822, MF/HF&DSC HC4500, Inmarsat-C H2095C, Battery Panel BP4680 and Alarm Panel AP4365.
The console is connected to the PC via a COM-port interface. The trainee can control any of these units using actual control panels or the panels simulated on the PC screen.


is the simulator’s key element, providing the instructor with tools and facilities for total control over all stages of the simulator use.

The instructor has the following capabilities:

  • Join the trainees in the training groups where each trainee is assigned parameters (identifiers) of a specific object (a ship or coast radio station)
  • Register the trainees, the registration of a list of any previously compiled groups; and to monitor the registration process
  • If required, switch any of the trainees from the group operation mode to the Standalone mode
  • Choose between SAILOR Compact 2000 and SAILOR Programme 4000 equipment
  • Monitor the “ether” in the process of the exercise conduct, at any of the frequencies used by the trainees in telephone mode, and intervene in their traffic
  • Introduce noise on the selected frequency
  • Set and promptly change the trainee ships’ position, course and speed by using an electronic chart
  • Generate exercise scenarios and use these scenarios during the classes
  • Interrupt the conduct of an exercise at any time
  • View the current log containing the list of messages transmitted by using the DSC, radio telex, satellite communication systems (INMARSAT-A/B and INMARSAT-C), as well as some of the trainee actions; to view old logs
  • Edit the database of objects (ships or coast radio stations) and use it in the compilation of new groups
  • On-line monitoring of any trainee workplace

Scenario editor

Scenario editorWhen working with the simulator, the instructor can create various exercise scenarios. The generated scenario, after it has been started, will be automatically followed by the instructor workplace program sending the messages included in it to the trainee workplaces. The program provides the following capabilities:

  • To suspend the implementation of the scenario;
  • To block the trainees’ access to the instruments marked by instructor and to enter instrument faults;
  • To introduce a delay between the messages;
  • To send DSC format messages;
  • To send telex messages in INMARSAT-A/B system;
  • To send messages in INMARSAT-C system including messages in SafetyNet;
  • To send NAVTEX system messages;
  • To change the power supply parameters;
  • To prepare questions and run the examination in the GMDSS theory;
  • To send messages in radio telex mode (FEC);
  • To locate and activate SARTs;
  • To set model time;
  • To set geographic coordinates, course and speed for a ship;
  • To send messages containing text information to the trainee workplaces;
  • To interrupt the implementation of the scenario at any time;
  • To start several scenarios concurrently;
  • To monitor the completion of running scenarios

Electronic chart features

Electronic chart featuresDuring work, the instructor can use the electronic chart system included in the simulator. This option provides the instructor with the following capabilities:

  • to view any chart fragment on a suitable scale
  • to determine coordinates of any object plotted on the chart
  • to determine distance and bearing between any two points on the chart
  • to promptly alter the trainee ships’ coordinates, course and speed
  • to obtain brief information on any trainee ship
  • to use the database on the coast radio stations, NAVTEX stations and INMARSAT shore based stations plotted on the chart
  • to obtain information on the GMDSS Sea Areas and division of search and rescue regions (SRR)
  • to make a rough estimate of the radio waves propagation in the selected frequency band.

Functions of Monitoring / Watchkeeping windows

Watchkeeping windowThe Ether Monitoring and Watchkeeping windows enable the instructor to perform the following actions:

  • Monitoring of the radio telephone traffic of any workplace in MF/HF/VHF bands
  • Interfering in the radio telephone traffic between the workplaces
  • Keeping the listening watch on the call and distress frequencies 2182 kHz, 121.5 MHz and VHF channel 16
  • Keeping additional watch on several frequencies promptly entered by the instructor in MF/HF/VHF bands
  • Radio telephone call of the ship radio stations on any MF/HF/VHF frequencies and via Inmarsat-A/B system
  • Call of and telephone communication with the workplaces in Intercom mode
  • Capability to give a radio telephone alarm signal on frequency 2182 kHz
  • Input of interference from the list on the required frequency (channel)

Log features

Log featuresThe Current Log window provides the instructor with the following capabilities:

  • To have all the messages logged automatically during the work with trainees in the network mode (turning on/off of the most important units, transmission of DSC messages, telex messages in INMARSAT-A/B/C systems, work with the radio telex, running scenarios, etc.)
  • To promptly view the log of the aforementioned messages
  • To use event type and trainee name filters
  • To promptly acknowledge the received DSC distress messages
  • To print out the current log
  • To work as an operator of the coast station, RCC and coast telex and phone subscriber
  • To have a visual alert upon receipt of important messages
  • To save the message log for the future reviewing and analysis

The log of messages circulating in the network during group operations is displayed in the Current Log window. After exit from the program, this log is saved to a file and can subsequently be opened for review and analysis.


GMDSS class, Training Centre of Marine Dept., Government of Hong KongThe simulator provides the following capabilities on each trainee workplace

  • Operation in standalone and network modes
  • Imitation of radio communication in telephony, telex and DSC modes taking into account radio wave propagation (background noise is simulated, too);
  • Self education program (Tutor);
  • Built in HELP system on all the instruments;
  • Reference materials on GMDSS theory and some ITU publications;
  • Printing out of received information on both simulated and connected external printers;
  • Availability of an electronic chart with a coast station database and indication of the current ship position;
  • On-chart display of GMDSS Sea Areas, Search and Rescue Regions (SRR) and of radio wave propagation range.
  • Use of up to two microtelephone handsets at each workplace;
  • Use of up to two computers at each workplace for concurrent work in two different communication systems;
  • Connection of active external loudspeakers for listening in on several channels;
  • Possibility to connect TGS4000 console with the real control panels of VHF& DSC RT4822, MF/HF&DSC HC4500, Inmarsat-C H2095C, Battery Panel BP4680 and Alarm Panel AP4365.

Control of the following GMDSS equipment

  • MF/HF radio station with DSCVHF with DSC SAILOR RT4822;
  • VHF Radio SAILOR RT2048;
  • VHF DSC modem and watch receiver on channel 70 SAILOR RM2042;
  • MF/HF Radiostation with DSC SAILOR HC4500;
  • MF/HF Radiotelex SAILOR System 4000;
  • MF/HF Radiostation SAILOR RE2100;
  • MF/HF DSC modem with watch scanning receiver SAILOR RM2150;
  • MF/HF radiotelex modem and terminal SAILOR RM2151/H2098B;
  • 2182 kHz watchkeeping receiver SAILOR R501;
  • SES Inmarsat-A JUE-45A (JRC);
  • SES Inmarsat-B SAILOR SP4400;
  • SES Inmarsat-C with EGC receiver SAILOR H2095C;
  • Navtex receiver JMC NT900;
  • Cospas-Sarsat EPIRB McMurdo E3;
  • Cospas-Sarsat EPIRB RT260M (Nova Marine);
  • Inmarsat-E EPIRB ‘Global-3’ (Navtec GmbH);
  • SART McMurdo RT9;
  • Aero VHF TronAir (Jotron);
  • Portable VHF SAILOR SP3110;
  • Alarm Panel SAILOR AP4365;
  • Battery Panel SAILOR BP4680;
  • Feeder switchboard;
  • Radar (simplified version of Racal BridgeMaster);
  • GPS Receiver (Generic);
  • Charger control unit SAILOR H2180.

SAR Training

The simulator program enables the trainee:

  • to manoeuvre own ship;
  • observe SART signals, other target ships and coast lines on the radar screen;
  • provide SAR operations.