Transas Admiralty Data Service (TADS) delivers official chart data & information directly to your ECDIS and helps you prepare for paperless navigation and the proposed ECDIS mandation in 2012.
Whether you are a Transas ECDIS user or operate another kind of ECDIS, TADS delivers fully official and global chart coverage formatted in SENC or standard ENC format to suit your needs.
Developed directly for Ship Owners and Managers, Captains, Navigators, Crew, Marine Superintendents and shore-based staff, TADS uses only official chart data along with a range of carefully considered additional data services.
Service, support and consultancy services are all available to help you optimize your navigational needs onboard.
Choosing TADS means you enjoy the following services:
- Transas SENC service (Transas ECDIS Users Only). Official ENC data converted and ready for use in your Transas ECDIS, saving you time and increasing efficiency.
- AVCS (ENC’s for Non-Transas ECDIS users). Official ENC data in standard format available to those customers who do not operate a Transas ECDIS but gain the benefits of the TADS service
- Admiralty Digital Publications. Admiralty List of Lights, Admiralty Radio Signals Vol.6 and TotalTide information direct to your ECDIS
- SPOS® Weather Service. Courtesy of Meteo Consult, SPOS® is the ideal onboard weather data tool increasing both safety and efficiency onboard
- Additional Data Services. During 2009, Transas customers can look forward to additional TADS software and functionality, making planning administration easier
- Consultancy Services. Transas helps you to prepare for the move towards paperless navigation. Office processes are just as important as those onboard and Transas provides all the training & support you need to administrate your vessels
TADS means you gain the following benefits:
- TADS helps you prepare for paperless navigation and the proposed ECDIS mandation in 2012
- Comprehensive, Official, worldwide ENC data in Transas SENC data format with weekly updates
- Simplified ordering and update procedures when using SENC data will both save time and costs.
- Access to Admiralty Digital Publications and additional data services for easy navigation
- Saves time, increases efficiency
- Fully or Semi automated chart corrections in a format that suits your needs
- Includes International service, support and consultancy services
In order to enjoy paperless status, ENCs should be up to date and comply with the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) Regulations and loaded into a type-approved dual-ECDIS onboard. Having a dual ECDIS onboard means that the main ECDIS is connected to an identical but fully functioning backup system, providing safety, efficiency and peace of mind.
TADS allows any vessel (equipped with dual-ECDIS) to operate paperless in areas where ENCs are available, making the most of the ECDIS as a professional navigational tool. AVCS data from the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office is used together with the aforementioned ENCs to provide the most comprehensive, official worldwide coverage available to the professional mariner.
SENC (System Electronic Navigation Chart) is ENC data that has been compiled into the internal format of a specific Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS). Transas is the only ECDIS manufacturer providing an SENC service. Transas delivers official ENC data from the UKHO, in SENC format as per IHO guidelines. The Transas SENC Distribution Service was fully tested and approved by Det Norske Veritas (DNV).
- The subscription term runs for 12, 9, 6 or 3 months from the date of the first SENC purchase
- The SENC Base CDs are distributed quarterly on CD or via the Transas website. Updates are released on a weekly basis and distributed regularly via email or CD and can be downloaded from the Transas website.
- The Chart administration onboard is done through Transas Chart Assistant Utility
Fast and efficient chart maintenance
Chart Assistant (SENC users only)
Chart Assistant (CA) is the specially developed chart administration tool for all chart formats used in Transas navigation systems which provides the following:
- Chart licences, new charts and chart updates
- Installation of charts and charts updates
- Status report of the ship collection
Chart Assistant can use the email system to automatically collect chart licenses, charts and chart updates from the mailbox using SMAPI (Simple Messaging Application Programming Interface). The updates are then applied to the ship’s chart collection.
Weekly Update CD’s
Updates can also be delivered via CD on a weekly basis to Transas Customers. This CD contains updates to all the charts in the service and once uploaded onto the ECDIS system, ensures that every TADS customer has a complete and up to date set of data onboard, with the option to easily access additional data if required.
CD updates can also be used in conjunction with online updates, where internet access is limited or where a physical backup is required.
Digital Catalogue (AVCS customers only)
Admiralty Digital Catalogue is included free of charge to all our AVCS customers.
Temporary and Preliminary Notices to Mariners – (T&P)NMs
TADS will be launching Temporary & Preliminary Notices to Mariners as an additional information layer in 2009. This information will appear as a notice on the relevant chart(s) and can then be selected and read by the user.
This ensures that users of TADS have the most up to date T&P information available regardless of where they are in the world. T&P NMs will be delivered on a weekly basis via CD or online updates, depending on requirements.
Additional services – information, assessment, administration
Admiralty Digital Publications – (ADP)
TADS incorporates Admiralty Digital Publications in the form of the award-winning Admiralty Total Tide, Admiralty Digital List of Lights and Admiralty Digital Radio Signals Volume 6. These are compiled together on a single CD and can be licensed, installed, used and updated via a single common interface that is quick and easy to use.
SPOS® weather by MeteoConsult
The ultimate in weather information and forecasting, SPOS integrates information from the world’s major meteorological offices along with observations, forecasts and satellite imagery to give the best weather information available. This data can be inputed and used to optimize route calculations, performance and voyage reporting.
Data Assessment Layer (DAL)
Introduced as an additional layer, this will compare information available on SENC charts with that available from other sources to give the mariner an even more up-to-date information source that can be overlaid on the chart.
Additional Data Services
New software and functionality will be available to TADS customers as the service develops. Currently under development, these will include planning and administrative applications designed to make your life easier.
Consultancy Services
In partnership with the Service organisation, Transas offers a range of consultancy services to TADS customers including office administration, training and process management giving you all the support and guidance needed to administrate your vessels.
Quality, Compliance and Licensing
Transas is proud of its reputation as a supplier of high quality, reliable navigation products to the marine industry. Transas continues this by offering official ENC content (based on the UKHO’s AVCS data and before being converted to SENC) in the TADS service. All cells have passed validation checks to ensure that they will load and display correctly on ECDIS equipment.
In addition, all ENC data is fully assessed by the UKHO where the content of the ENC data is compared to the equivalent Admiralty paper chart. Any navigationally significant differences identified are then investigated and resolved with the producing nation. Where Transas believes additional information should be made available to the mariner, it will be displayed via a Data Assessment Layer exclusive to the TADS service. Although these extra layers will not be available at launch they will be available in the near future. No other electronic chart service offers this level of Quality Assurance.
The Transas Admiralty Data Service only contains SENCs that meet SOLAS Carriage Requirements for use within Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS).
TADS will be available initially with a 12 month license period and during 2009, 3, 6 and 9 month options will be made available where possible.
Worldwide service and support
Transas is dedicated to provide high-quality service to the shipping industry. Our service network is strategically spread worldwide to deliver fast and efficient service to our customers. Transas is a leading manufacturer of marine navigation equipment and operates according to ISO 9001:2000 principals.
Always within your reach
Transas Worldwide Service Network is able to respond to any service enquiries 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and make sure that service is delivered in time. Transas provides service with own trained specialist in the 30 biggest ports and supplies service in all other major ports via our wide spread Service Network.
All work is performed by Transas-certified engineers who are continuously trained to upgrade and refresh their knowledge on the latest technologies. Spare parts stock allows us to quickly supply replacement parts.