Navi-Pilot 4000 is the ECDIS-based professional pilot system created by the ECDIS market leader. The system has been developed in close cooperation with SMA Pilots (Sweden Maritime Administration). Navi-Pilot 4000 can be delivered as the core software for the various pilot kits to meet specific requirements of the pilot associations worldwide or as complete Pilot Portable Unit.
Scope of supply
- Navi-Pilot 4000 software
- Lightweight Powerful Laptop
- Windows XP PRO SP2
- Transas Pilot Port Repeater (Bluetooth or USB connection)
- Waterproof Pilot Bag
Main Benefits
- Easy system setup and use to reduce the stress
- Exhaustive information for decision making
- Highest possible level of accuracy and reliability
- Pilot-requested specific functions for professional day-to-day work
- Built-in SD Card Security Dongle to keep the size of laptop unchanged
- Pilot wireless freedom on the bridge
ECDIS-based functionality
Work with 7 different types of vector and raster charts
- Online update of official ENC and TX97 by Transas
- Dangerous and “no go” areas display and warnings
- Tides and Currents internal database
- Weather forecasts display using SPOS weather module
- Electronic logbook of vessel progress and operator actions
- SAR operation support and assistance
- Navigation, predefined, self-test alarms and warnings
- Playback for vessel track analysis and trainings
- Storage of different schedules for one route
- GPS and GYRO connection
Connection to UAIS transponder Pilot Plug interface via cable or Transas Pilot Port Repeater via Bluetooth
Pilot Professional Functions
- Essential information transfer to PDA via Bluetooth for vessel contour presentation with motion vectors
- Improved functionality of maneuvering predictor
- Vessel dimensions and AIS antenna position display at the Pilot laptop with possibility to edit
- Presentation of fore’n’aft motion vectors and ROT based vessel’s turn radius
- Ability to store the essential information about the vessel under pilotage and AIS targets in Ships Library database
- Display of extended information on AIS targets
- Weather information from an AIS weather stations
- AIS Playback utility for all recorded data from AIS
- Alarms management with ability to turn off/mute alarms and warnings e.g. when passing narrows or mooring
Anchorage place bearing/distance presentation and monitoring
- Course, distance and speed values display for the every leg of the route in monitoring
- Passage plan and schedule export to Excel
- Color indication in case of positioning system low precise
- EBL/VRM/Index lines
- Voice Comments
Transas Pilot Port Repeater
This Pilot Port Repeater from Transas (PPR) is a fully Bluetooth licensed unit with built in battery solution. Quickly rechargeable, small form factor, lightweight and complete tool, specially designed for day to-day pilots’ service.
Transas PPR collects the data from the ship’s AIS Pilot Plug and delivers the data to the Navi-Pilot system. The PPR is equipped with a scanning function for pins which automatically detects which pins to connect for receiving the data correctly. Unit is equipped with LED status indicator and sends the status signals which can be monitored on Navi-Pilot screen.
Communication between the Transas PPR and the Laptop with Navi-Pilot is possible in 2 ways:
- Wireless form, using Bluetooth class 1 standard.
- USB-standard using USB cable through a USB-port.
When the USB-connection is used the Bluetooth is automatically turned off, battery is charged.